March 22, 2017

Currently Reading: March

Next to makeup, books are what I spend the most time researching and buying. I love looking at recommendations and bookstores are some of my favorite places in the world. There are more books that I want to read (or reread) than I actually have time for, so I often read multiple books at a time and I save an hour before bed everyday to sit down, unwind, and open a book! These are the five that are currently on my night table, and I might turn this into a monthly series.

Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman
The Netflix TV series of the same name is one of my favorites, so when I saw the book in stores I had to read the inspiration for it! Orange is the New Black is Piper Kerman's first-hand account of a year and a half spent in a women's prison. It's nowhere near as dramatic as the show, but the characters have a lot of similarities (Red in the show bears a resemblance to Pops in the book) and it's interesting to get an undramatized look at the lives of female prisoners.

Le Morte d'Arthur by Sir Thomas Mallory
I'm not going to lie, I'm a mythology nerd. History classes are some of my favorites, especially those about old England. I love the legends of King Arthur and this book includes all of them! I'm about 1/4 of the way done with it and it's really interesting, it sort of mixes myth with fact. It's not the easiest to read but I've definitely dealt with worse!

Lying About Last Summer by Sue Wallman
I think that this recommendation came from one of Zoella's book club lists, which I've been enjoying. I read some of her previous picks (All the Bright Places, We Were Liars) and loved them, so when she described this book it sounded right up my street. It does seem written for a younger audience, maybe 13-16, but the plot is interesting enough to keep me entertained! It's about a young girl who recently lost her sister and is sent to a special summer camp for other grieving teenagers. While she's there, she starts getting messages from her dead sister. I haven't finished it yet but I can't wait to find out what happens, I hope there's a big twist.

The Fellowship of the Ring by J. R. Tolkien
Yes, I am the only person on the planet who hasn't seen or read the Lord of the Rings series. I watched an animated version of The Hobbit when I was 6 and I had nightmares for months, so I never had fond feelings attached to this series. Everyone kept recommending it to me and I found it at the library so I decided to finally check it out! So far it's about a hobbit named Frodo who inherits a very powerful, evil ring and has to destroy it before the enemy can get it. The ending of the series has been spoiled to me already but I have no idea what happens between then and now, so I'll keep reading.

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
This is a reread for me and it's even better now that I know what happens! I love Gillian Flynn's writing style and her incredible, twisted crime books. Gone Girl isn't my favorite novel of hers but it's certainly the most famous. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't read it or seen the movie (the movie is great too!) but the basic premise is that a woman named Amy goes missing and her husband Nick is the prime suspect. Evidence starts to build against Nick so Nick is trying to find out who killed/took Amy before he gets arrested. Every other chapter is from Nick's point of view, and then it flashes backward to one of Amy's diary entries. If you liked the Girl on the Train I think you will love this!

What are you reading at the moment? I'd love some more recommendations!

Xx Katie

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13 comments on "Currently Reading: March"
  1. I've read and watch the movie adaptations of both The Lord of the Rings and Gone Girl. I watched Orange is the New Black but I haven't read the book that inspired it. Right now I'm looking forward to read "The Animators" by Kayle Rea Whitacker BTW Have you heard of Literary Book? They're having a giveaway right now where you could win a whole year of books! You can check it out here Literary Box Giveaway

    xx Alyssa // STYLE VANITY

    1. That sounds really cool, I'll check it out! Thanks x

  2. Didn't even realise OISTNB was a book first! Buying it rn. I loved the Lord of the Rings films and really enjoyed reading and watching the Hobbit but I could not for the life of me engage in the LotR books - think I need to try again. Gone Girl slayed me. I literally finished it a few days ago and then watched the film straight away! I agree it's a stunner! Great post including some seriously good recommendations!
    Kate ||

  3. I really don't read enough books, which is a shame as I love it! I really want to get my hands on Gone Girl, it sounds really interesting!xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush♡

  4. Yasss! I'm allll about discovering new books to put on my never ending to-read list. Lying About Last Summer sounds like something I could get in to. I usually stay away from books directed more towards younger readers, but if it's got a good storyline, I'll usually end up enjoying it anyways.

    Thanks for the recommendations.

    Christie's Take on Life. xx

  5. I love Gillian Flynn's writing too! So gripping! I think you may like also The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair by Joël Dicker, if you haven't read it yet.

    Caterina |

  6. I would love to read Orange is the New Black! I love reading books, but I'm not sure if you would like the one I'm reading at the mo. It's one from the shopaholic series! Would be interesting to know if this is also your kind of thing? x

    ♥ Carly Susanne ~ A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. I've read a few from that series, it's so funny! A little too relatable though haha

  7. Your reading list is amazing!! I've heard such great things about Gone Girl - would definitely love to read it! Thanks for sharing x


  8. I have only seen the Gone Girl film, but it was pretty awesome! I haven't read the book through but it would be interesting to see how the two compare. I tried reading the LOTR series when I was little, but I found it to be a little difficult! Love the films, though! Hope you're having the best weekend ever, beauty! xoxo


  9. Love your reading list. I am currently reading The Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare and Bleak House (for uni). Great choice of books.


    1. I love Cassandra Clare, I need to pick up the Clockwork series soon!


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