December 7, 2015

Scent Smarts

Perfumes pictured from left to right: Siren by Paris Hilton, Taylor by Taylor Swift, Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift, Poppy by Coach (roll-on), Pure Brilliance by Celine Dion, Elige by Mary Kay, Fantasy by Britney Spears, Paris Hilton's 10th Anniversary Edition, Incredible Things by Taylor Swift. (If you can't tell, Taylor Swift and Paris Hilton make some of my favorite scents! And the bottles are gorgeous, too) These are all some of my favorites, although I have many more perfumes that I don't wear as regularly, or I only wear to school and therefore don't like as much.
There are some people who find one scent that they love and stay faithful to it for years.

Then there are people like me, who constantly buy new perfumes and have yet to finish a bottle. It’s an addiction; I love too many fragrances to wear only one!

Over the past few years I’ve learned a lot about how scents are tied to our memories. For example, my mom used to buy a vanilla air freshener for us to spray in the bathrooms, and now whenever I smell vanilla it reminds me of, well, what you do in a bathroom.

It works in other ways, too. Certain scents can remind us of past boyfriend or girlfriends, loved ones, vacations, parties, and other memories. I can no longer wear the Hollister perfume I used to wear in middle school as it reminds me of my awkward, insecure days.

So now that we are armed of this perfume knowledge and how scents are tied to memories, what do we do with that information? If you are a perfume-aholic like me, here are a few ideas I’ve been trying out!

First is an idea that I got from an Into the Gloss interview with one of my favorite actors, Phoebe Tonkin. She explains that she buys about one perfume a year and wears it constantly throughout that year. Then, whenever she smells it, it will bring her back to the time period in her life when she wears it. I love this sentimental idea, however I edited to fit my more eclectic tastes.

As I said before, I could never wear one scent for an entire year. I get bored of them easily and I love to change it up. Instead, I tailor different fragrances to different events. I wear very sweet, feminine scents like Taylor by Taylor Swift or Paris Hilton’s 10th Anniversary fragrance on dates. My all-time favorite perfume, Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift, is reserved for nights out with my friends when I’m sure to have fun. Some I wear to school, others to work, and others still to family events or chilled-out days with my friends.

I’ve been doing this for a few years now and it really works! I associate the different scents with different emotions. I reserve my favorite perfumes for only special occasions and therefore never get sick of them. Whenever I’m feeling down, I find my favorite perfumes to be very uplifting. It’s a philosophy I’m very glad I started.

So tell me…what are your favorite scents? Do you think you will start saving a few for special occasions? .

Xx Katie
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