April 12, 2016

Baby Powder Mascara: Hack or Wack?

It’s time for another round of hack or wack! This one was suggested to me by beautyandthebrunette.co.uk and it sounded both simple and intriguing, so I decided to give it a try! The idea is to put on your first coat of mascara, add a bit of baby powder to your lashes, and then add your second coat. This will supposedly make your eyelashes look longer and thicker than your standard two coats of mascara.

To test this I used my current favorite mascara, Maybelline’s Colossal volume express, Gold Bond body powder (which is essentially baby powder for adults), and a clean mascara wand. Easy, right?

I applied my first coat and let it dry before dipping the clean wand into the powder. It was easy to apply but the powder wanted to go everywhere and it was hard to not get it in my eyes. I found that gently closing your eyes over the wand was the best way to get the baby powder onto the lashes without having a mini powder explosion. I only applied the baby powder to one eye; the other I only used mascara.

I applied my second coat and took the photographs below!

f there is a difference, I think it’s a small one. I don’t think there was a change in length but there may be a difference in volume. I don’t usually wear two coats of mascara because I think it looks too clumpy, but the baby powder seemed to help the lashes separate and not get that spider-leg effect. I’d be interested to try it with a really clumpy, wet mascara to see if it helps. Also, I have somewhat long eyelashes naturally so I’m not sure how it would work for someone with shorter or sparser lashes.

However, I do have some safety concerns with this hack. On the powder label it warns you not to use it near your eyes. It’s hard to control the powder so it would be easy to get some of it in your eyes. I don’t think that happened to me but it’s definitely something to be aware of!

Overall I’d say this mascara trick isn’t helpful enough for me to add it to my daily routine. Again, it might work better for other eyelash types but for me this hack is wack.

This was really fun to do so thanks again beautyandthebrunette.co.uk for the suggestion! If you’ve heard of any strange beauty hacks feel free to comment it below and I’ll try it out.

Other ones I’ve tried…
Red lipstick concealer

Xx Katie

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14 comments on "Baby Powder Mascara: Hack or Wack? "
  1. I actually prefer your lashes with Mascara only, it's a much more natural look.

    I hate the spider look but for some reason my sister loves it

    I love reading hack posts.

    Cultivation of Jasmin

    1. They're some of my favorites, and thank you so much!

  2. Interesting that it seperated your lashes more as I always worried it would just make things clumpy. I do like the effect but it seems like much more hassle than it's worth for a small difference. Maybe something to do occasionally but not an everyday thing

    The Makeup Directory

  3. This is interesting! I may give this a try

  4. This is interesting! I may give this a try

  5. I've never heard of doing this before I might try it!

    Lauren Ashleigh xx

  6. I love beauty hacks and I search for new hacks all the time! The difference in your lashes is small, it seems that is does not make such a difference in giving length to them but only a slight volume. If you have.more hacks to share, please do, I would love to see them


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  9. it seems pretty crazy that toothpaste would work. I always appreciate some humorous comments! the best waterproof mascara top coats

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