As some of you may know I always love a good tag post, whether it's reading or writing them. So big thanks to the lovely Becki from for tagging me to do the AM / PM beauty tag!
What is your morning beauty routine?
Honestly, it’s a good day if I even splash water on my face.
I’m super lazy in the mornings. I apply a moisturizer with sunscreen in it and
call it good.
What's for breakfast?
I go through phases with my breakfast where I’ll eat nothing
but cereal for a few months and then switch to waffles. Lately I’ve been eating
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because they’re quick to make and keep me
full until my lunch break!
Coffee or Tea?
I’ll drink both but I prefer coffee, especially French vanilla cappuccinos!
I take my coffee with French vanilla creamer and honey, but again, I’m too lazy
to make it in the morning so I don’t drink coffee or tea often. Plus, for some reason they both make me feel sleepy?
How long does it take you to get out the door?
I give myself around forty-five minutes, at least fifteen of
which I spend checking social media and deciding what to wear. I take showers
and straighten my hair at night so I don’t have to spend that extra time doing
it in the morning. I am definitely not a morning person!
What's your go-to make-up look on a fuss-free morning?
I really love playing around with make-up so even a
fuss-free morning involves a lot of products! At the moment I've been going for a lighter base, so I use the Physicians formula Argan Wear BB cream. I like the Benefit Hoola bronzer for contouring and I've been trying out a few different drugstore blushes for my blog. For the eyes, I've recently fallen in love with a Stila trio but I change up my eye products all the time! I'm testing out a few different mascaras and I'm constantly rotating through lip products. I'm trying to experiment with color for summer so I've been going for either a bright lip or a non-neutral eye almost every day that I wear make-up.
What is your evening beauty routine?
I wash my face with the Biore charcoal face wash, which
takes off most of my make-up, and then I use the Mary Kay eye make-up remover
to get the remainder. I follow up with a heavier moisturizer like the Curel
Daily Moisture and use the Elf Illuminating eye cream. Once or twice a week I
exfoliate and I enjoy treating myself to mud masks when I have the time!
Snack time! What's in the bowl?
I’m a notorious chocoholic so I eat chocolate in some form every single day,
whether it’s chocolate chips, a few mini chocolate bars, or a brownie.
How do you wind down and prep for bed?
I love to read and write so I’ll save an hour before bed for
those hobbies. I’m currently reading the Sherlock Holmes book series and I’m
working on a few short stories, upcoming blog posts and a novel.
Cozy up! What are you wearing for sleep?
I usually sleep in whatever shirt I wore that day! Or, if it
was an exceptionally uncomfortable shirt, I’ll put on an old T-shirt. During
the summer I like to wear pajama shorts but during the winter I reach for
thicker bottoms.
What are some things you must do before hitting the hay?
I brush my teeth, check social media, and put on a good lip
balm. If I have something important to do the next day I’ll usually pick out an
outfit and make-up as well! I'm a big fan of doing everything I can the day before so that I can sleep in as much as possible!
Thank you so much for reading! As always, if you'd like to answer these questions for your blog consider yourself tagged. I'll also tag Hannah from, Amelia from, Lauren from, Jasmin from, and Danielle from!
Xx Katie
I love reading Tags, I really enjoyed this one!
Tamara -
This was such an interesting post to read, I love cute and fun posts like this one! I love the Benefit Hoola Bronzer too
I just did this tag, it's such a good one! I love reading in the evening too, it's such a nice thing to do to wind down. Don't know how you can sleep in your clothes though, I just have to change!
ReplyDeleteThe Makeup Directory
Yay! Thank you for doing this, I loved reading it! I'm definitely a chocoholic too.. Oreos or Malteaser bars are my biggest weakness! And I've never had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich... I think I should really try one!
ReplyDeleteBecki, xo
Thanks for tagging me! I can't wait to do this soon! I'm such a coffee addict, I can't go on without it! I want to drink more tea too because of the health and beauty benefits...but I love the taste of coffee (especially with some creamer and Stevia). Lately I've been going for my Neutrogena Tinted Moisturizer rather than my heavier foundations (especially when I have to apply primer before), so I understand wanting to bare more especially as the weather has been getting warmer!
love these tags! Love Vanilla coffee too, and the last thing I ever do before bed is check snapchat, no idea why, probably because my phone is plugged in and charging by that point lol
ReplyDeleteErin || MakeErinOver
French vanilla capuchino sounds so yam x
ReplyDeleteYukova Blog
This is a lovely tag! Loved reading this!! <3
ReplyDeleteAmelia |
Nice tag post! Chocolate always makes the perfect snack! :-)
I love reading posts like this, thanks for sharing
(I'm also doing a giveaway right now too!)
These post are so interesting! I'm so lazy when it comes to my morning beauty routine!
ReplyDeleteNicole x
I love this tag! I might do one myself! Great read!
ReplyDeleteDarriyan♡ |
Wonderful post. This was a great read. x
I love reading tags like these, it was fun getting to know your morning/evening routine a little more! I'm not a morning person either, but I usually get up two hours before I have to leave for work since I take ages to do my makeup, haha. x x And like yourself, I just love chocolate!
<3 Thanks for sharing. x x
I love reading to wind down as well but I haven't read anything in a while because I haven't found any good books to read- I love a good fiction book. Your breakfasts sound really delicious as well, I've always wanted to try a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
Thanks for tagging me, I love doing posts like these so I'll definitely do this one!
ReplyDeleteLauren Ashleigh xx
I am too lazy to have a morning skincare routine too, I prefer to just wash my face with cold water at least it helps me to be awake ha ha
French vanilla Cappuccino and chocolate... thumbs up
ReplyDeleteEla BellaWorld
I love how coffee or tea makes you sleepy, its supposed to be the other way hehe! Loved this post, so interesting!
ReplyDeleteLoren |
Massive Sherlock Holmes fan over here, I approve of your bedtime reading
ReplyDeleteI love playing around with makeup too so definitely agree that a fuss free makeup will involve lots of products, although concealer and bronzer are main priority!
ReplyDeleteKatya | The Beauty Harbour
Ah I love this tag, would it be really sad if I tagged myself to do it haha. I think your blog is lovely also, let me know if you want to follow each other! x
Consider yourself tagged! x
DeleteOoh I've never heard of this tag before! I'm the same as you, a total chocoholic - it's a habit I reaaaaally need to drop!
ReplyDeleteMusings & More
Chocolate! You can't go wrong with chocolate!!! Love the fun picture!That's a cute mug!