November 3, 2016

Christmas Wish List

Yes, I know it's only the third of November. No, I don't care that I'm already posting about Christmas.

In my defense, my mom starts Christmas shopping very early and she's already asked me for a list. So while I'm at it I thought I would post it on my blog as well! I always like looking at other's lists as it usually gives me some inspiration for my own. Why is it that you can think of a million things you'd like in the summer, but once someone asks around Christmastime your mind goes blank?

1. Bookshelf
This is one of those practical presents I could really use! I'm constantly buying new books but I've run out of space for them on my three bookshelves. I currently have a little pile of books that need a new home! I'd be happy with anything, but I'd like it to have a lot of shelves. I don't see myself getting rid of any of my books anytime soon so I'll definitely be needing the space.

2. Makeup Brush Set
You can never have too many brushes, and my poor blush brush is on it's last legs. These are also quite easy to find, I know TJ Maxx always has a few options!

3. The Vampire Diaries Season 7
This was a no brainer--I've been asking for seasons of the Vampire Diaries since the show premiered. While it isn't my favorite show anymore, I love binge-watching it on long car trips and remembering how obsessed I was with it.

4. Mascara
I don't really like asking for specific makeup items, especially expensive ones, but I could always use a new mascara and I'll try anything!

5. Cards Against Humanities
I've only played this once but I've been meaning to get it for ages. It's absolutely hilarious! If you somehow haven't heard of it, it's basically an adult version of Apples to Apples. It's so much fun to play with a big group of friends.

6. Hollister jeans
I'm very particular about the kind of jeans that I wear. They have to be stretchy, skinny, and generally dark-wash. I really love Hollister jeans and I know what size I am in them. I wear jeans every single day so I'll get tons of use out of them, and a good pair of jeans will last for ages!

7. Elf Mad About Matte palette
As I said before I don't usually like asking for specific makeup items as no one in my immediate or extended family is a big makeup person. They'd probably find this palette from Elf to be on the pricey side! I've been after a matte palette for quite a while and although the new Urban Decay one is tempting, I've heard only good things about this Elf palette so I'd really like to try it. It's also drugstore so it should be easy to find!

8. Sephora/Ulta/Barnes and Noble gift cards
Gift cards are always welcome!

I'm going to start gift shopping soon so I'm really excited for that change in the blogosphere from autumn-based posts to holiday gift guides, wish lists, and party looks. It's so much help while shopping so I hope my list is beneficial to you, too!

If you celebrate Christmas, is there anything special you're hoping to get under the tree?

Xx Katie

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26 comments on "Christmas Wish List"
  1. November is a totally acceptable time to be posting about Christmas! Really want to try some Elf products, great post xxx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

  2. Great list, I don't even know what I want for Christmas yet haha but I cannot believe how quickly it has come around!

    Nicole xx |

  3. I like your Christmas list. I didn't know that TJ Maxx has some brush sets, I need to check it out tomorrow.

  4. Great list, cards against humanities is the best game to play with a big group of friends
    Kathy x

  5. So excited for christmas
    xx Isabella

  6. I purchased a few xmas decoration items two days ago and I wanted to buy more but I controlled myself! I have so many things I want to purchase for xmas and I am so excited to start decorating the house! x


  7. I feel a bit bad about posting a Christmas list so soon considering my birthday was last week, lol. I love the Hollister and A&F jeans when I was smaller, but I prefer their bootcut or straight jeans because I still have naturally curvy hips and those styles are more comfortable for me.


    1. I like how those styles look but it's easier to tuck skinny jeans into boots, which is what I usually wear

  8. Hope you will get everything yo need. For gift card, you should check out my Sephora $100 eGiftcard giveaway, wish you good look. xx
    Nina's Style Blog Giveaway __ Enter to win $100

  9. I love wishlist posts! Morphe do some wonderful make-up brushes, they are so affordable too x
    Louise |

  10. I'm hoping for an iPhone 7 or a Foreo Luna 2 but I can only dream as both are so bloody pricey! LOL!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  11. Ahh so excited for Christmas! I hope you get everything you asked for! x

    ♡ itsjessiejane ♡

  12. I like your wish list and super happy I found this post on Nov 3 (I'm glad I'm not the only one obsessed with winter & holidays). I'm actually going to start making my soon too All of your wishes are possible and easy to come alive so I hope you get those presents ^^ <3

  13. Great list! It's definitely not too early to be posting about Christmas! I hope you get what you asked for! x

  14. Loved this post, it has definitely gave me a few ideas on what to put on my wishlist. Cards against humanity sounds like a fab game!
    Grace xx

  15. Love your list! I love the Vampire Diaries too and could always binge watch that show xx

    Lauren |

  16. Great post lovely! xx

  17. That's a nice list you have there
    I'm waiting for TVD Season 8; I just wanna know how it ends...
    we don't do it like that - we never say what we want for Christmas: the person getting the present should be so nervous and under a lot of stress and person receiving one should be surprised
    however, I'll probably write down a list just for myself

    xo Honey - blog Royal Lifestyle - Twitter - Instagram

  18. I'd definitely recommend Zoeva if you're looking for a brush set, they have beautiful sets!

    The Makeup Directory

  19. the thought of christmas already kind of scares me haha! great wishlist

  20. my mum asked for my christmas list a month ago and i really want a new camera to improve my content.

  21. I love playing cards against humanity with my friends. It's such a fun game. And I love my ELF Mad about Matte palette. It's great.

  22. I definitely need some new makeup brushes, my tastes have changed quite a lot and now I
    could never have too many tapered ones! Cards against humanity is great

    www.Barely There | British-Korean Beauty & Lifestyle blog


  23. It's never too early to make a Christmas whishlist, loving your picks! x


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