October 31, 2017

October Favorites

How is October over so quickly? One of the best months of the year, gone in a flash. At least I did a few festive things this month--I carved a few pumpkins, watched Halloweentown, and got a Hocus Pocus mug. I'm really into Halloween, even if I didn't go out this year. That explains why a few of my favorites are spooky! 

I couldn't resist the Stila holiday trio including three of these eyeshadow minis, and the pinky-gold Kitten Karma is my favorite of the three! These shadows are definitely worth the hype, I can't stop looking at my eyes when I'm wearing them. 

I never thought I would like a big contour palette like this. I always figured I would only use one of the shades, but I was definitely wrong. This palette includes a perfect contour shade, two different bronzing options, and several lighter powders for setting under the eyes or carving out the contour. Even better, this was a complete steal at half the price at TJ Maxx! 

ILNP Holographic Nail Polishes in Peri Me and Mega
If you've ever watched Simply Nailogical's YouTube channel, you probably know the obsession with holographic, rainbow polishes. I've wanted to try them for ages and I finally bought a few from Etsy, a periwinkle blue and a silver. They are both so beautiful (I'm wearing the gray one now!) and I hope someone finds some way to make a true holographic eyeshadow.

How To Get Away With Murder
I watch a lot of TV shows, but HTGAWM has got to be one of my favorites. Definitely top five. The fourth season premiered recently and I'm still loving it! Viola Davis kills it, as always, and I'm getting really concerned by the flashforwards that the show sneak peaks each week. My favorite character is Connor and he's in rough shape at the moment! Definitely check this out if you're into dramas with college students, murders, legal issues, and did I mention Viola Davis?

Stranger Things
Please tell me someone else has finished the second season already! I watched the entire thing in two days and it was even better than the first, I was nearly crying by the end of it. I usually hate kids but the younger actors in this are absolutely amazing, and they're so cute! The series is set in the eighties and is about a group of misfit friends who get involved with in a government secret and an escaped monster from an alternate universe called the Upside Down when one of the boys goes missing. I genuinely like all of the main characters, especially Eleven. I also am surprised to start liking Steve's character, I never liked him in the first season. Let me know what you think about the show so far! 

I bought this book last month but didn't start getting into it until early this month. It's an autobiography about a beauty editor that describes--in a really hilarious writing style, strangely enough--how her life was affected by a serious addiction to prescription drugs and other damaging behaviors. 

This was recommended by lots of people on YouTube, and it sounded like a fun read, so I picked it up and read it in one sitting. It's a new release that is vaguely historical about a wild young nobleman named Monty who is going on a big European tour before he has to settle down under his father's rule. He goes with his sister and his best friend, Percy, whom he is secretly in love with, and they have disaster after disaster on their tour. It took an unexpected detour into a little bit of the supernatural but overall it was a great read, very quick and enjoyable.

After raving about the new movie last month, I knew I had to check out the novel it was based on. I was hoping to finish it before Halloween but this is an unexpectedly long book--over 1000 pages! I'm only about 150 pages in so far, but I love Stephen King's writing style. IT is about a group of adults from a small town who were terrorized by an evil presence when they were kids. That evil, which they call It, took the form of the iconic Pennywise the Dancing Clown and was connected to strings of deaths/kidnapping about every 27 years. Now that the kids are adults, the murders have started happening again and the group agrees to go back and fight It again.

Kitten Karma, Shade and Light palette

What have you been loving this month?

Xx Katie


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14 comments on "October Favorites"
  1. A few friends also snagged KVD Contour Palette for a really good price at Winners but I never saw any at my Winners! I'm going to keep looking though. LOL!

    Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity

    1. We got more in at my TJ Maxx today so I think they're still going out! Don't give up haha!

  2. I'm so excited to watch the next Stranger Things, we are watching it this weekend as I was super busy on the last one!! I'm really glad to hear you like it even better than the first!

    The Makeup Directory

  3. That Stila glitter is so pretty, omg. I need it!

    Nicole | The Glam Surge

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. i need the stila glitter eyeshadow. its just so pretty and would be perfect for the upcoming festive period.


  6. I love How To Get Away With Murder and Stranger Things!


  7. I bought both sets of the Stila liquid eyeshadows, one arrived on Monday and I've been playing with the colors and I'm loving them! The one with the three liquid shadows might arrive today or tomorrow! xx

    Carolina's Makeup Life

  8. Great post! I've been loving the contour palette as well. I was scared it would be too pigmented but it's perfect. Kitten Karma is a gorgeous shade.

    Jennifer | Mrs Q Beauty

  9. Stranger Things. Oh my all the feels! I have finished season two and I don't even know how to feel right now! I'm actually liking almost every character. I hated Steve first, but now I like him a lot. And oh Mike and Eleven, so cute! Every kid in that show is so talented. Amazing show. And IT! I have tried to read the book for so long, I even have it, but it's so long. I should really start reading it tho...

    Heidi ✨ | Heidi’s Planner

  10. Oh my, the Stila eyeshadow is gorgeous! What a beautiful shade!! x


  11. Wonderful post dear …………………keep posting!!!!!

    Pen combo

  12. So jealous you got the Kat Von D palette at a discount! It's fabulous! Also I am loving the new Stranger Things, I have two episodes left and don't want it to end! x

    - Eternalleigh.blogspot.com

  13. i love the Stila Glitter and Glow liquid eyeshadows! such an amazing color payoff.


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